Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Secret

I've been feeling guilty about this for a while, now.  I finally admitted it to a friend yesterday and I think it's time I just put it out there.  I bought the girls a bunch of candy for their Easter baskets a couple of weeks ago and I've eaten almost all of it.  Well, except the chocolate.  As if that wasn't bad enough, I bought more candy today and opened a couple of those bags, too.  I think I'm going to fill the plastic eggs and baskets tonight and then put them away until Sunday so I won't eat anymore.  I'm horrible, I know!

Monday, March 29, 2010

My First Post

I'm not promising an interesting read and I'm not promising to keep this updated as often as I should. Hopefully this will help keep those of you far away updated on what's going on here with us Gravies :-) Here's to my first ever blog!